Prochaine Édition édition
le 13 avril 2025

The Drome
A department where outdoor sport is king
Vous avez adoré nos sentiers et nos paysages. Un espace trail permanent est désormais à votre disposition.
Vous trouverez toutes les infos en suivant le lien:

The trail and the Baronnies Provençales Natural Park

The territory of the Provençal Baronnies, with its varied topography medium mountain, its Mediterranean climate, the richness of its natural and cultural heritages, is an ideal ground for the practice of the sports activities in connection with nature.
With nearly 1,500 equipped routes and two internationally renowned flagship sites, Orpierre and Buis-les-Baronnies, climbing is one of the first outdoor activities practiced in the Baronnies of Provence. Our territory offers a great diversity of cliffs with sites of all levels and accessible to all.
Between lavender fields, orchards, marl and limestone scree, the Baronnies of Provence conceal a wide variety of hikes (pedestrian, equestrian, mountain biking and cycling) of varying difficulty. The hilly terrain creates the diversity and charm of the routes. Many professionals offer supervision and multiple activities ranging from “discovery” walks to itinerant hikes. The mountains of the Provencal Baronnies can also be discovered from the top of its ridges through the practice of free flight. One of the best aerologies in France, which makes paragliders happy, explains the presence of many take-off areas dedicated to this activity.